2.6. Graphs

In this context, the word "graph" does not refer to a plot of one variable against another, but a more abstract concept: A set of nodes, some of which are joined together by edges. An examples is a set of cities (the nodes) connected by various flights (the edges). There are many problems that can be translated into graphs. These often involve a journey between the nodes using the edges.



There are numerous oddities that can occur in graphs that can occur in some problems but not in others, and it is worth remembering these when designing an algorithm.


There are a number of ways to represent graphs in memory. You can have a matrix where you store a boolean value for every pair of vertices specifying whether an edge exists between those two points. You can store a list of neighbours for every vertex; or you can just store a list of edges (there are probably be other ways, but I can't think of any really useful ones offhand).

Graphs are a good example of places where redundant data structures can save time. For example, if you want to execute an operation for every edge then a list of edges will be useful. If you want to construct paths then a list of neighbours for every point will be useful, because you know which points you can go to next. For determining whether there is an edge between two points, the matrix representation would be the most useful.

Minimum spanning tree

A spanning tree of a graph is a subgraph that is a tree and which has edges to every vertex (so no vertices are "isolated"). The minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph is the spanning tree for which the sum of the weights of the edges in the tree is the minimum (this isn't necessarily unique). There are three standard algorithms for finding the MST:

  1. Start with a subgraph with no edges. Repeatedly add the shortest edge that doesn't create a cycle, until the graph is a spanning tree.
  2. Start with a subgraph that is the same as the original graph. Delete the longest edge that will still keep the subgraph connected. Repeat until the graph is a spanning tree.
  3. Start by making the tree consist only of one of the vertices (an arbitrary one). Repeatedly add the shortest edge between a vertex in the tree and a vertex not in the tree, to the tree.

The graph will be a spanning tree when the number of edges is one less that the number of vertices.

The last method can be implemented as a slight variation on Dijkstra's algorithm: use VW in place of P(V)+VW in the description above, and the MST will be the set of pointers.

The travelling salesman

"The travelling salesman" is an old problem about the following hypothetical situation: A travelling salesman wants to visit a number of cities. There are flights between every pair of cities, but they have different costs. He wants to visit all the cities exactly once and finish where he started, with the minimum cost. This could be paraphrased in graph theory terms as follows: Find the minimum Hamiltonian cycle of a complete graph.

This problem is one of a large class of problems that have frustrated computer scientists for many years, known as the NP Complete problems. There might be a way to solve any NP Complete problem in polynomial time, but nobody has been able to find one. On the other hand, it might be theoretically impossible to find an algorithm that runs in polynomial time, but nobody has been able to prove it. I'm going to outline a few techniques for getting good approximations for this type of problem (technically NP Complete problems are actually Yes/No problems; the optimisation variants are known as NP Hard).

In an olympiad, you shouldn't be satisfied with any approximation you get, unless you know it is optimal. You should try to use all the time your program is allowed to find a better answer. You can just start with an exhaustive search that you run for as long as possible and then give your best result yet. However, it is usually possible to structure your program to avoid checking many options that you know are going to be worse than the best solution you already have. For example, in the travelling salesman problem, if the distance you have travelled so far plus the distance to go directly to the finish is greater than the best result you have so far, there is no point in continuing. To get the most out of this, you should try to get a reasonably good estimate before starting the exhausting search. You can do this is several ways:

If you have a travelling salesman problem with the added information that it is always cheaper to fly direct than going via another city, then there is a smart algorithm that will always give you at most double the optimal cost: Do a pre-ordered walk of the minimum spanning tree.

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Last updated Sun Nov 28 22:04:38.0000000000 2004. Copyright Bruce Merry (bmerry '@' gmail dot. com).